The impact of adult bullying on children becoming cyberbullies
Research Fields
Educational sciencesObjectives
To create a more robust research base that links being bullied by people of authority and love in a child’s life; To map successful approaches to detecting bullying by teachers and family members, and successful mitigation/prevention activities by parents; To explore the reasons for becoming bullies better.
The host institution will be Stichting International Parents Alliance, Netherlands, in collaboration with the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. The project includes two planned secondments at (1) University of Stavanger, Norway, at month 12 for 9 months and (2) Youthworks, UK, at month 26 for 3 months. *To be confirmed for this project.Application Procedure
Full advertisement including salary, eligibility criteria and other information can be accessed here:
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Please clearly state the role that you are applying for in your application and email subject line: PARTICIPATE MSCA: Early Stage Researcher application